A11y block

Ángela Patricia Uribe Naranjo

Ángela Patricia Uribe Naranjo


Career summary

Open to learning and knowledge of new areas that allow me to grow personally and professionally. Focused on the management of results and fulfillment of objectives. Open, responsible, enterprising person with leadership skills, adaptability to change and excellent interpersonal relationships.

Long years of experience and experience in field work with the British Petroleum Company and Drummond Limited gave rise to the creation of the “Rápido Aprenda Español” immersion program, where I had the experience of teaching Spanish to executives from different multinational companies and diplomatic entities such as Petrominerales, Baker Oil Tools, Embassy of the Netherlands, Tepma, to name a few.

With an extensive background and experience in teaching, elaboration of pedagogical, didactic and cultural material that facilitates the knowledge of the different cultures; promotion of cultural exchange that enables the acquisition of new teaching-learning experiences and the search for opportunities for socio-cultural growth.